
Baby Nutrition

From breast milk to supplementary food. When and what?

For the first half year, the best food for a baby is definitely breast milk. Supplementary food could be started from the seventh month of their life. That’s when the baby becomes significantly more active and breast milk no longer covers their daily energy needs. If it’s not possible to give breast milk to the baby, only start giving supplements with the recommendation of a general practitioner. If you see that your child is already very interested in food and follows your forkfuls during meals, then it’s the right time to heat up the first puree for your child and let them start tasting.
Beebipüree BabyCool
Recommendations for starting on supplementary food • Start with one food and give it a few days for your baby to get used to before taking on the next. From then on, you can start mixing all the foods your child is already used to. • Your baby should be healthy when you start with extra food, and the meal should be given before lunch time. • Quantities should start with one teaspoon for each new food on the first day and gradually increase that according to the child’s appetite – the child knows their own needs and won’t let themselves go hungry. • Offer the child a drink with the food. The best drink is water, practice drinking from a cup – it’s very difficult to get rid of the baby bottle later. • If your child is restless or has an upset stomach, temporarily skip all extra food and wait a few days until they feel better again. • Don’t use salt, sugar, or spices in baby food during the first year of their life. • Train your child to eat with a spoon and give them an extra spoon so they can experiment on their own as well.

Lisatoidu andmisega pannakse alus lapse toitumisharjumustele ja lauakommetele

Ära unusta, et lisatoidu andmisega pannakse alus lapse toitumisharjumustele ja lauakommetele. Laps harjub nii sööma näiteks juurvilju, lambaliha ja maksa, mida muidu väga ei tahaks. Lapsele peaks pakkuma üht toitu kuni isegi 20 korda – kui ta ka siis ei söö, siis see toit talle ilmselt ei maitse. Vanem kui aastane laps sööb juba kõiki põhilisi toiduaineid koos perega ühises lauas nii palju, kui tal isu on. 

Kui peeneks toit teha, sõltub ennekõike lapse individuaalsusest ja hammaste hulgast. Lisatoidu andmine ei tähenda imetamise lõpetamist, vaid osad söögikorrad vahetatakse veidike toekama toidu vastu välja. Jäta kindlasti söögikordadele sisse paaritunnised vahed, kui ei anna lapsele ei mahla ega snäkke. Nii sööb laps paremini ja see säästab ka hambaid. 

Kui laps on natuke vanem kui aastane, siis on täiesti loomulik, et tema toidukogused võivad muutuda väiksemaks ja ta ei ole nõus enam sööma kõiki toitusid- ei tasu muretseda, see ongi normaalne. Kõik lapsed on erinevad, seega vaata jooksvalt, kuidas sinu lapsele paremini sobib. Ning muidugi usalda oma sisetunnet – ema teab kõige paremini.

Kaia Sink 

Kolme lapse ema ja BabyCooli asutaja

Kaia BabyCool