Kuidas kasutada BabyCool toitu?

How to use BabyCool food?

So how do I use this BabyCool puree cube?

We have received inquiring questions about the use of these cubes.

So how to use this puree cube anyway?

We’ll write down a bit about how the cube is made and how easy it is to use.

The raw material (be it vegetables, fruit or meat) is first cleaned, then steamed (as much as needed and as little as possible), pureed, and frozen. At home, all you have to do is select suitable cubes from the packs, melt them or heat them in double boiler.

The fruit cube (pear, apple) is also well suited for cooling porridge.

It is no longer necessary to puree or additionally steam/boil the cubes.

NB! Don’t put the cubes in a microwave – this destroys vitamins and minerals in the puree.

How to use BabyCool food?

We’ve put together simple instructions on how to use BabyCool food:

  • Mix and match! Different cubes of vegetable, fruit, berry, and meat puree can be mixed together, or just used on their own.
  • Put a fruit or berry cube on porridge in the morning. The porridge cools quickly thanks to the cold cubes, and the cube melts quickly due to the hot porridge.
  • Puree cubes can also be offered without mixing – this allows you to give different vegetable, fruit, and meat snacks to the baby. Doing this promotes the development of the baby’s taste buds.
  • Puree to pieces – to this you can add, for example, boiled buckwheat, groats or rice, as well as various vegetable pieces.
  • If possible, take the cubes out to thaw earlier, and heat the food in either with the double boiling method, or by constantly stirring on a low heat.
  • Puree cubes are ready to eat immediately after defrosting/warming. No more heating or pureeing required.
  • After defrosting and heating, use immediately, do not re-freeze or re-heat.