
BabyCool Hedgehog Reusable Squeeze Pouch

(2 arvustused)


Reusable squeeze pouch for convenient way to take puree cubes to go and for easier puree cube usage. On the front side of the pouch you have joyful hedgehog and on the back side of the puree pouch you can write on the white parallel square what is in the pouch or your child's name. From the vertical square you can see how much puree is left in the pouch.

  • There is room for 4-8 puree cubes to melt in the pouch. It depends on the size of the cubes.
  • There is 150 ml room for puree in the pouch. In the evning take suitalbe puree cubes to melt to the refrigerator in conteiner and in the morning you can put the melted puree into the pouch for taking it to go for breakfast in the car or for a walk if you don't have the time at home.
  • After defrosting and heating, consume immediately, do not re-freeze or reheat. 
  • Pouch is safe for the food.

How to Use the Pouch:

  • wash before use with warm water and dishwashing liquid. Rinse thoroughly.
  • after using the pouch, wash it with warm water and dishwashing liquid. Rinse thoroughly.
  • the temperature of the puree can't be over 50 degrees Celsius when you but it in to the pouch. 

Use under parental supervision.

Kui soovid ainult püreetuubi tellida, kirjuta annika@babycool.ee. Neid saab saata ka Smartposti pakiautomaati.

Product code Püreetuub Categories , , , ,


Reusable squeeze pouch for convenient way to take puree cubes to go and for easier puree cube usage.

How to Use the Pouch:

  • wash before use with warm water and dishwashing liquid. Rinse thoroughly.
  • after using the pouch, wash it with warm water and dishwashing liquid. Rinse thoroughly.
  • the temperature of the puree can't be over 50 degrees Celsius when you but it in to the pouch. 

Video of the Pouch:

How to use?

How to use our products?

  • Mix and match! Different cubes of vegetable, fruit, berry, and meat puree can be mixed together, or just used on their own.
  • Püreekuubikuid saab pakkuda ka kokku segamata – sel viisil on võimalik beebile anda erinevaid köögivilja-, puuvilja ja liha ampse eraldi. Doing this promotes the development of the baby’s taste buds.
  • Puree to pieces  – selleks lisa näiteks keedetud toortatart, kruupe või riisi, samuti erinevaid köögivilja tükke.
  • If possible, take the cubes out to thaw earlier, and heat the food in either with the double boiling method, or by constantly stirring on a low heat. Mikrolaineahju kasutades ole ettevaatlik, sest toit võib kuumeneda ebaühtlaselt!
  • Puree cubes are ready to eat immediately after defrosting/warming. No more heating or pureeing required.
  •  After defrosting and heating, use immediately, do not re-freeze or re-heat

Baby Nutrition

Baby Nutrition

Video Tutorial

Ordering and shipping information

  • About BabyCool puree cube e-shop shipping. Because BabyCool puree cubes are so special and sensitive, ordering via a regular e-shop parcel machine is excluded. But with some small differences to the regular, we are cooperating with a partner who offers a freezer courier service, and we can still send cubes to most places in Estonia.
  • BabyCool puree cubes are shipped once a week (on Wednesdays) and if you want the products shipped on Wednesday, the order must be submitted no later than 23:59 on Monday.
  • Sellisel juhul jõuab kaup teieni eeldatavalt sama nädala neljapäeval-laupäeval või järgmise nädala esmaspäeval-teisipäeval vastavalt kaubaringi suurusele ja tihedusele. Pisemate kohtade teenindamiseks võib transpordi ettevõttel minna veidi kauem aega.
  • Products are not delivered to the islands of Estonia. In Saaremaa, you can pick up your products at the factory on Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 to 15:00 at the following address: Ülejõe 22, Nasva, Saaremaa. Other times by appointment 506 0643 (we are closed on Saturdays and Sundays and packages will not be issued on other days after 16:00).
  • NB! If you do not find a suitable payment method in the e-shop, contact us – we can also issue an invoice.

Püreekuubikute suurused

BabyCoolilt küsitakse palju, kuidas teada kui palju üks kuubik kaalub. Paneme need teile siia kuju järgi kirja kõik :)!

  • Südameke  – 10-12g
  • Leheke – 15-17g
  • Poolkera – 20-21g
  • Kandilisem poolkera – nagu supipott – 22-24g
  • Komm – nagu poolkera, aga suurem ja peal muster – 23g
  • Väike poolkera – natuke kandilisem – 17g-18g
  • Väike kuubik – 8-9g (neid esineb pakkides harva)

Armsad kirjeldused on BabyCool Annika poolt pandud ja loodame, et on abiks teile! 🥰 Väiksemad püreekuubikud on loomulikult alustamiseks parimad, kuna siis ei lähe püreed raisku. Pakis on alati mõni, mis on väiksema kaaluga kujuke. 

Kui sul siiski tekib küsimusi, pane need julgelt meie poole teele, kas läbi sotsiaalmeedia või e-kirjaga (mariliis@babycool.ee). Kui soovid väga täpset kaalu kuubikul teada, siis kasuta köögikaalu nende kaalumiseks.

Jaga oma mõtteid!

4.5 tärni 5-st

2 arvamust

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Mida teised räägivad

  1. Mari-Liis


    Püretuubiga õnnestub oma lisatoitu täielikult trotsivale lapsele natuke rohkem anda kui lusikaga ja on osutunud meil väga kasulikuks. Kahjuks aga ei pea kaua vastu, kinnituse ribad hakkavad liimist lahti tulema ja sealt vahelt ei saa tuubi enam puhtaks.

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    • kasutaja


      Tere, aitäh tagasiside eest. Meie oma jaoks ja tulevikus tootearenduseks sooviks teada – kui tihedas kasutuses püreetuub oli ja kuidas pesite?

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  2. Veronika

    Veronika (toote omanik)

    Хороший многоразовый тюбик. Плотно закрывается, легко моется, удобно брать его с собой.

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    • BabyCool


      Спасибо 😊

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      Something wrong with this post? Thanks for letting us know. If you can point us in the right direction...



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