
How to start with complementary foods?

100% organic baby food from real nature

Why are BabyCool products so good for your baby?

The product has been developed in cooperation with researchers from the Estonian University of Life Sciences, and has been recognized by the Estonian Allergy Association.

Each pack has about 12 cubes
with a shelf life of 18–24 months.

Each raw material is in a separate
- this gives you the opportunity to mix a puree with components that you find suitable.

The product has been minimally
heat treated.

No salt, sugar, flavour enhancers,
preservatives, food thickeners,
concentrated juices, or other additives are used in production

Raw materials-
are sourced from organic farming.

The package stands up on its own
and is resealable.

The products are frozen -
this allows for better preservation of nutrients and vitamins.

How to use BabyCool baby food?

  • Mix and match! Different cubes of vegetable, fruit, berry, and meat puree can be mixed together, or just used on their own.
  • Put a fruit or berry cube on porridge in the morning. The porridge cools quickly thanks to the cold cubes, and the cube melts quickly due to the hot porridge.
  • Puree cubes can also be offered without mixing – this allows you to give different vegetable, fruit, and meat snacks to your baby. Doing this promotes the development of your baby’s taste buds.
  • Puree into pieces – to this you can add, for example, boiled buckwheat, groats or rice, as well as various vegetable pieces.
  • If possible, take the cubes out to thaw earlier, and heat the food either using the double boiling method, or by constantly stirring on a low heat. Do not use the microwave!
  • Puree cubes are ready to eat immediately after defrosting/warming. No more heating or pureeing is required.
  • After defrosting and heating, use immediately, do not re-freeze or re-heat.


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How to prepare the puree in a few minutes?


the appropriate amount of puree cubes from the fridge and place them in a bowl.

Melt / Heat-up

the cube(s) in a double boiler.

Bon Appetit!

The food is ready to eat after defrosting / heating!

We sell through 188 stores across Estonia

What our clients say

OÜ Saaregurmee received a start-up grant of 15,000 euros from Enterprise Estonia. The aim of this project is to launch a sustainable company that produces frozen baby food. The company receives the necessary inventory in their warehouse and begins productions while constructing the necessary marketing activities. The result is a working production plant that values local organic raw materials.

OÜ Saaregurmee sai LEADER- projektitoetuse summas 36 160,67 EUR. Projekti eesmärk on ettevõtte tootlikkuse ja müügi kasvatamine. Selleks soetatakse uusi seadmeid ja panustatakse turundusse. Nii suudetakse väärindada rohkem kohalikku toorainet ning alustada ka ekspordiga.